Sunday Dec 8, 2024
This week we will continue our look at the gifts of Christmas, and use Isaiah 25:8-9 to help unwrap the deeper meaning of frankincense.
Ushers: Nelly F, Matt K
Coffee: Ike & Bonnie T
Nursery: Carolyn F, Rachel V
Sunday School: Imagine: Megan V, Charlotte D
Sunday School: Wonder: Stephanie W, Josh H
Sunday School: Marvel: Steve D, Kevin K
Projection: Cameron P
Sound: Ed B
Elders: Joe K, Judy V
Deacons: Jeanette L
If you require a paper copy of the songs or sermon for use during the service, ask an Usher.
His Name Is Wonderful
Hark the Glad Sound
Welcome & God’s Greeting
Kids Message & Lighting of the Advent Candle
Call to Worship
Promise of the Ages
The First Noel
In the Bleak Midwinter
Confession and Assurance
O Come All You Unfaithful
Announcements & Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading: John 10:25-3 on page 1667
Closing Blessing & Take My Life and Let It Be
Next week in our series we will be unwrapping the gift of myrrh, and reflecting on portions of Isaiah 53.
Ushers Next Week: Gerald D, Chris H
Coffee: Faith Group Bible Study
Nursery: Arlene K, Sam R
Sunday School: Imagine: Kurt W, Isabella N
Sunday School: Wonder: Melanie K, Miriam D Sunday School: Marvel: Jessica H, Amber P
Projection: Ben B
Sound: Albert F
Elders: Kevin K, Jelle P
Deacons: Binnie H, Yvonne M
Dec 9 7 p.m. Friendship Christmas Concert – Everyone is Welcome to Attend!
Dec 10 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafters Group
7 p.m. C of A Meeting
7 p.m. GEMS–Christmas Lights Walk-Thru – Meet at Ebenezer. Dress warmly!
Dec 11 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break
Dec 12 7 p.m. Elders Meeting
7 p.m. Connections Meeting
Dec 15 6 p.m. Sweater Service
Dec 17 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafters Group
7 p.m. GEMS – Christmas Party – Wear Fancy Christmas Gear!
Dec 18 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break – Christmas Celebration
Congratulations to Kathy M (6), Art V (7), Liam M (8), Hazel P (8), Bill R (9), Kinsley K (11), Dick W (11), Rob D (12), & Jane E (12) celebrating birthdays!
We continue to pray for all those struggling with illness and continuing in their recovery.
Please update your directories with Jan M’s new contact information: contact the office! Also Ralph & Winnie S have a new phone number: contact the office!.
We also pray for all those who may be struggling this holiday season. We trust that they will experience the peace and comfort of Christ, and the support of a loving church family.
Dear Congregation, with 2025 only weeks away, please be advised that ECRC budgeted $410,465.00 for the Ebenezer budget. This budget covers all matters pertaining to our church including programs, building expenses, wages, etc. As of Dec 4, $334,931.72 has been tithed to the Ebenezer budget with $113,044.76 remaining. Please prayerfully consider this as you plan for your givings over the new few weeks.-- Committee of Administration
SUNDAY SCHOOL SWEATER SERVICE KID'S CHOIR PRACTICES: Parents of Sunday School kids: your child/children will be practicing right after the morning service on Dec 8th and 15th during coffee time. This practice is for their participation in the Dec 15th p.m. Christmas Sweater Service. You will sign your child out of Sunday School in the sanctuary after those practices instead of in the hallway location by the classrooms. Also, please have your child/children at the church by 5:45 p.m. for the service on Dec 15th and meet in the fellowship hall. Thanks everyone!
CLASSIS MEETING: On Jan 18, 2025, our church is hosting Classis Quinte. As part of hosting, we will have a registration table, offer coffee & tea, welcome and afternoon snacks as well as a meal at noon. We will be needing a number of volunteers: some to set up, some to bake and donate muffins/squares and snacks, make soup, and some to oversee the day and clean up. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact Cynthia K, Dale S, or Kevin K. Thank-you in advance!
TRENTON WARMING CENTRE: The Centre exists to serve homeless individuals and operates on cold nights until March at the United Church. This is an opportunity to reach out with God's love to some of the most vulnerable in a very practical way. Contact Gary or the church office.
CATHERINE'S KITCHEN: Donation Stations will operate once again leading up to Christmas. These stations have replaced the Salvation Army kettle campaign in Quinte West. Funds go towards their Christmas Hamper program to provide food supplies to families experiencing food insecurity. Volunteers are needed for 2 hour shifts at Metro, Smylie's, Canadian Tire and Freshco.
DECEMBER 8 OFFERING: The second offering is for Grace Inn in Belleville, an interdenominationally run shelter for those experiencing homelessness. The Grace Inn is housing homeless adults in a safe, dignified and hospitable environment, by meeting essential needs, providing compassionate mentors, and advocating for a future with hope.
DECEMBER 15 OFFERING: Today's second collection is for Ebenezer’s 4th quarterly budget to stay on track with our budget, and classical/denominational shares.