Sunday Nov 3, 2024

This Sunday is Safe Church Sunday, and our service will include a reflection on the posture we are called to have with one another as fellow imagebearers of God.


Ushers: Nelly F, Matt K

Coffee: Andy & Sue V

Nursery: Paula W, Steve D, Gerben W

Sunday School: Imagine: Megan V, Charlotte D

Sunday School: Wonder: JoAnne D, Grace K

Sunday School: Marvel: Steve D, Kevin K

Projection: Gerald B

Sound: Ed B

Elders: Wayne D, Joe K

Deacons: Wayne F, Cynthia K


If you require a paper copy of the songs or sermon for use during the service, ask an Usher.


Welcome/Announcements & God’s Greeting

Build Your Kingdom Here

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Jesus Shall Reign

Kids Message

Confession & Assurance 

Congregational Prayer 

Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:12-17 on page 1532


Closing Blessing 

Teach Us Your Ways



Ushers Next Week: Gerald D, Chris H

Coffee: Dick & Arlene W

Nursery: John V, Arlene W

Sunday School: Imagine: Kurt W, Isabella N

Sunday School: Wonder: Stephanie W, Josh H

Sunday School: Marvel: Jessica H, Amber P

Projection: Cameron P

Sound: Albert F

Elders: Judy V, Calvin K

Deacons: Marilyn B, Jeanette L


Nov 4 7 p.m. Friendship Group


Nov 5 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafters Group

 7 p.m.          GEMS – Lesson 3


Nov 6 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break


Nov 7 7 p.m. Council Meeting


Nov 10 830 a.m. We: One Big Story – RSVP to the church office!


Nov 11 7 p.m. Friendship Group


Nov 12 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafters Group

 7 p.m. C of A Meeting

 7 p.m. GEMS – Service Night


Nov 13 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break


Nov 28 645 p.m. Dessert Social prior to 7 p.m. Congregational Meeting




Congratulations to Miriam D (1), Nikita W (1), Richard D (3), Toni D (5), Kohen H (5), Marina L (6) & Eric K (7) celebrating birthdays!


Please pray for Will F, who is recovering from surgery on his hip, and for Gerdie P who underwent a successful heart surgery this week. We also continue to pray for Arlene H and Jan M as they continue their recovery, and for Jessie K and her family after the loss of her father last week. 


We continue to pray for those in our church family, and among our friends and neighbours, who are dealing with illness and undergoing treatments. 


ABUSE AWARENESS SUNDAY:  Here are some more qualities that can be seen in a safe person: Respect others’ boundaries; Admit and apologize after wronging someone; Advocate for the marginalized and the vulnerable. Many of the words in this list are tied directly to the fruit of the Spirit. A safe person is one who displays these fruit in their lives. For more, visit



WE: ONE BIG STORY: The education committee invites members of all ages to come out for our next We event, happening on Sun. Nov. 10 at 8:30 a.m. Together as a church family we'll explore the Bible as one big story in some unique and creative ways, and enjoy a light continental breakfast. RSVP to the office.



GROUP TOUR: Contact the office if you are interested in going on a group tour of the Grace Inn.



OPPORTUNITY: A Sunday School Coordinator is needed. Contact JoAnne D for more information.


YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! On behalf of the ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, thank you for your gifts to ministry shares. Your support enables congregations to do so much more to further God's Kingdom than any one church could do alone. Our denomination could not impact the world through missions, media, and church development without your support.



NOVEMBER 3 OFFERING:  The second offering is for World Renew/World Hunger/Peter fish. This year we will not be handing out Peter fish, but encourage parents to include children in the giving process for this important cause. By donating, we demonstrate Jesus' compassion and care for hungry people, and to inspire people to their own acts of compassion. Please help World Renew free families and end world hunger.



NOVEMBER 10 OFFERING:  Our offering today is Quinte Regional Christian Schools, which is the amalgamation of these 4 schools: Trenton Christian School, Sonrise Academy, Belleville Christian School, and Quinte Christian High School. They joined together to create a dynamic, independent group of schools in the Quinte region, who seek to educate and inspire students to engage with the world in the way of Jesus, and to foster wholeness and a vibrant connection to their community. Where separate offerings were designated for TCS or QCHS, they will now be replaced by this new group, QRCS.