Sunday Oct 20, 2024

Pastor John Molenaar will lead us in worship on October 20th. Pastor Adam is away on a classical appointment.


Pastor John’s sermon title is The Importance of Knowing, and scripture is 1 John 5:1-13.


Ushers: Wayne F, Harry V 

Coffee: Joe & Jessie K

Nursery: Binnie H, Joe K   

Sunday School: Imagine: Joy H, Gabe K

Sunday School: Wonder: Melanie K, Miriam D 

Sunday School: Marvel: Matt P

Projection: Ben B

Sound: Josiah R

Elders: Kevin K, Jelle P

Deacons: Binnie H, Yvonne M


If you require a paper copy of the songs or sermon for use during the service, ask an Usher.


Order of Service


Welcome and Announcements 

God’s Greeting

Call to Worship

Now Thank We All Our God

Holy Forever

Time of Confession and Assurance  

Glorious Day

Kids Message

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Reading: 1 John 5:1-13 on page 1903

Message: “The Importance of Knowing”

There Is a Higher Throne

Closing Blessing & By the Sea of Crystal


Next week we will celebrate 75 years together as Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church. Our service will include special music, prayers, and Scripture from important moments in our history, reflecting how Christ himself is our foundation and our "Ebenezer"--our stone of help. 


The service will include a special rededication of the church, and will be followed by a luncheon and time of fellowship together. 


Ushers Next Week: Gerald B, Gary B 

Coffee: Ray & Theresa D

Nursery: Mandi K, Joy H

Sunday School: Imagine: Amanda D, Sadie V

Sunday School: Wonder: Maddie H, Gerben W

Sunday School: Marvel: John V, Sonja H

Projection: Ben B  

Sound: Al F

Elders: Christine D, Evert F  

Deacons: Doug J, Rachel V



Oct 21 7 p.m. Friendship Group

Oct 22  1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafts Group

7 p.m. Cadets & GEMS to Corn Maze-- Bring a Flashlight!

7 p.m. C of A Meeting

730 p.m. Education Meeting

Oct 23 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break

Oct 27 10 a.m.  75th Anniversary Celebration at Ebenezer CRC


Oct 28   Church Office is closed today

7 p.m.  Friendship Group

7 p.m.  YAB Meeting

Oct 29 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafts Group

No Cadets

7 p.m.  GEMS – Pumpkin Craft

Oct 30 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break

Nov 10  830 a.m. We: One Big Story – RSVP to the church office!

Nov 28 645 p.m. Dessert Social prior to 7 p.m. Congregational Meeting





Congratulations to Mary R(18), Derek Z(19), Art H(21), Tammy S(21), Chris H(22), Henk B(23), Jayden V(23), & Amanda D(24) celebrating birthdays!


We continue to pray for Arlene H, who is recovering in Belleville hospital after her stroke.

We also pray for Jan M, who is in Trenton hospital with an injured hip after a fall. 


We continue to pray for those in our church family, and among our friends and neighbours, who are dealing with illness and undergoing treatments. 


UPDATE: SEPTEMBER “ONE ANOTHER” PASTORS’ EXCHANGE AND COMBINED EVENING SERVICE: The first pastors’ exchange since 2019 is now behind us with much to celebrate and be thankful for. Not only was it a meaningful opportunity to reflect and embody God’s vision for unity, the 4 congregations also came together to richly bless the Pregnancy Care Centre of Quinte West through a successful fundraising initiative. The final total offering raised for the Centre was $24,369.00, easily surpassing the goal of $16,000. Well done churches, and all praise to God once again for His providence. Thank you to the approx. 50 volunteers who participated in the various leadership capacities that were crucial in realizing the month-long exchange as well as the Sept 29th combined evening worship service. On behalf of the Pregnancy Care Centre, please accept our deepest gratitude for this tremendous offering and for all you have done to help the Centre open its new doors at 35 Ontario St, Trenton. We look forward to seeing how God’s will is done both at the Centre but also in our 4 local congregations as together we seek to follow God’s calling on our church families.


IMPACTS OF SYNOD ’24 DECISION ON YOUR CONGREGATION: According to the Acts of Synod, and the Q+A that was sent from the CRC office, Synod made several major decisions. These are having and undoubtedly will have profound impacts on your congregation’s ministry, as well as that of other churches in your classis. Already, churches are experiencing concerns in recruiting office bearers; concerns in young persons’ decisions to profess their faith, concerns about recruiting church visitors, concerns about funding local congregational and classical ministries.  These are Synodical decisions that are impacting the day-to-day functioning and hopes of congregations. Towards a CRC in Canada (website here) invites you to a zoom conversation (late October/early November) about these concerns: how do and will these decisions impact us locally? We believe that an honest conversation is vital. There is no real “status quo”. More information is forthcoming.


WE: ONE BIG STORY: The education committee invites members of all ages to come out for our next We event, happening on Sun. Nov. 10 at 8:30 a.m. Together as a church family we'll explore the Bible as one big story in some unique and creative ways, and enjoy a light continental breakfast. Please RSVP to the church office.


GROUP TOUR: Contact the church office if you are interested in going on a group tour of the Grace Inn.


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: A Sunday School Coordinator is needed. Contact JoAnne D or the office for more information.



OCTOBER 20 OFFERING:  The 2nd offering today is for Ministry to the Seafarers parcels. Every year at this time we collect monies for Christmas parcels (gift bags) that are given to the Seafarers that visit the Ministry to the Seafarers centre in Montreal in the month of December. The life of a seafarer is very lonely, often spending months at a time away from family and loved ones,  including over Christmas. These parcels show Christ's love, and let them know they are seen, loved, and valued by us. For more info, or if you wish to pack your own parcel, see


OCTOBER 28 OFFERING: Mission Montreal is our second collection for this day. A collaborative effort of Resonate Global Mission, Diaconal Ministries Canada, First CRC Montreal, Classis Eastern Canada, and a partner ministry called Christian Direction. At its heart, Mission Montreal is about equipping and mobilizing Christians and Christian leaders to engage their culture, focusing on church outreach, young adult faith formation, and ministry to the growing immigration population in Montreal.